
HackerRank problem solution

  1. Lonely Integer problem  In this  HackerRank Lonely Integer problem solution,  we have Given an array of integers, where all elements but one occur twice, find the unique element. Problem solution in Python def  lonelyinteger(a):      for  x  in  a:         ax = a.count(x)          if  ax ==  1 :              return  x   2. Grading Student problem Problem solution in Python           def  gradingStudents(grades):           for  x  in  grades:         dif = (( int (x/ 5 )* 5 )+ 5 )-x          if   dif< 3   and  x> 37 :      ...

Gargoti Mineral Museum

Hey, I am Saurabh.  Museum is conventionally labelled as boring, only for nerds. But, trust me this place is itself enigmatic and filled with rare materials which you won't find any where. The place is itself secluded and is situated near power substation and feels like being in texas with 'breaking bad' show vibes. The trip from pune to sinnar was 3 hr long and much of the high traffic because of street congestion  So witnessing things that are out of the scope of your capability to discover precious minerals like these is worth a shot.

Why Is it necessary not to change ?

I think people want a strong sense of entitlement that they are a part of the universe playing a significant role in shaping the course of evolution or just said they want to feel they are 'somebody'. But. See this perspective You are in space with that heavy white suit on. Now, you gotta get outside to fix thing up with some anomaly occurring at ISS(International Space Station). So, you are outside now. "Stay with me". Now, you look down upon Earth, that blue green giant marble. Here's a thinking that would pop up. What are they doing? right now? As you imagine more with curiosity and picture it.  What picture that be?  Tiny people with tiny briefcase. Someone is hugging. Some in park, playing, laughing, little quarrel. someone is running, rush rush hour.  All are tiny people? right? now every tiny ones are running or enjoying or celebrating or in misery or just sad or a kid looking at rooftop or just jerking off in public. Whatever... Now back to bu...